When is it Time for a New Boiler?

Installing a new boiler can be an expensive and daunting prospect. However, boilers only have a certain lifespan and it might save you money in the long run if you replace your old and inefficient boiler with a new one. So, when is the time right to make this all-important decision? We’ve outlined five key signs that will tell you it’s time for a new boiler.


Your boiler is older than 10 years

Generally speaking, as boilers get older they will have to work a lot harder to heat your house. Once a boiler hits the 10 year mark, it’s likely that you will see an increase in problems and a decrease in efficiency.


It needs constant repairs

A boiler that constantly needs repairing is usually one that is nearing the end of its life. The problems will only get worse, and the costs will pile up, unless you invest in a new boiler installation. London or Surrey based? RyGas can inspect your boiler and advise on whether it’s worth repairing or whether you need a new model.


You can hear strange noises or leaks

Any unusual sounds coming from your boiler – whether that’s gurgling, clanging or whistling – are not a good sign! A boiler service should tell you how serious the issue is. Ongoing noises can often be an indicator that you need a new boiler.


It doesn’t heat your house thoroughly

A key sign of an inefficient and aged boiler is one that doesn’t heat your house thoroughly, even when it seems to be running on full power. This can be due to dirty system water that has blocked the boiler and once damage has been done to the boiler, sometimes just a Powerflush of the system may not be enough.


Renting out your property?

Boiler installations in London are something that RyGas do day in day out. A common reason people update their boilers is because they are renting a property out. It ensures the boiler will be likely hassle-free and also new boilers now come with lengthy guarantees! These normally range for an A rated boiler from 5-10 years, this cover parts and labour by the manufacturer on the boiler. Meaning your costs are reduced and peace of mind is provided.


Your energy bills are high

High energy bills are often a tell-tale sign of an inefficient boiler which needs to be replaced. Although a boiler installation seems expensive, it can save you a great deal on energy bills in the long run. As of April 2018, there are now minimum energy efficiency standards in place for privately rented properties, so it’s essential that landlords have boilers which meet these efficiency requirements.

The first step to your new boiler is getting in touch with your local heating engineers so that they can carry out an inspection and start fitting your new boiler installation. London and Surrey-based customers can expect a reliable and professional service if they choose RyGas. The boiler installation may well take up a few days of your time but it will definitely be worth it in the end! The process should be fast and simple if you choose an experienced and accredited company.


If you are interested in a boiler installation in London, please get in touch with us today and we can give you a quote to get started.

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